Libre is now Rhize – The World’s First Manufacturing Data Hub

Libre Core

Libre Core is an event-driven microservices platform for manufacturing.

Ok. Great. What does that mean?

Libre Core Features

Having an enforced standard in your data model means that everyone learns to speak the same language. 

Standardized Flexibility

Our data model enforces the ISA-95 standard yet still gives you the flexibility to adapt it to your system using software development best practices.

Manufacturing Knowledge Graph (MKG) technology lets you create multiple types of relationships between equipment and processes that weren't possible before Libre.

Time Series Integration

Like most products, Libre stores process data in one place (InfluxDB) and context in another (the MKG).

Unlike other products, our standard schema eliminates the need to “cleanse” data. It fully integrates time-series and context data in a single model and overcomes the inefficiency and long query times that plague most legacy products.

Granular and Secure

Configure Users and Roles directly in the model. Provide secure access using the OAuth standard. Integrate your existing user management systems.

Libre allows you to fully integrate your supply chain, including outside vendors and customers. We take security seriously, allowing you to control access down to the data point level.

Event Driven

Analyzing time series data in a trend is not a long-term solution to continuous improvement. Manufacturing is a series of related events.

Profitable decisions are made by understanding when those events occur and how they are related to each other.

The Libre MKG exposes relationships between events that no other platform is capable of, providing you with a more complete picture for decision making.